Friday, August 15, 2008


Brett returned to school this week. On the first day, he got off the school bus with a 102.8 temperature. He ended up missing the 2nd and 3rd day. I took him to the doctor and it turned out his fever was due to a bug bite (possibly a spider) that caused an infection. The doctor put him on an antibiotic and he is feeling much better. He has also started practicing in pads for football. He seems to be enjoying it so far.

Addison is doing great. She has started to play with toys that she can grasp easily. She also reached for me while Joe was holding her for the first time yesterday morning. She is now 4 1/2 months old. I have posted a picture of her with John. John is Amanda's son. She is one of my closest friends. We got to know each other through IVF. She is also my sewing buddy.

As most of you probably know, Brad Michael finished his Ph. D. and is now teaching at the University of Mobile. We are going to be having a party for him at our house Saturday night. I will post some pictures of it next week.